Carrying Boats Since 1970                                                                                FREECALL:1800 BY ROAD

Boat tansport-Bertram 35                   

                                              37 Years Experience In                                                  

                       Transport for Power Boats and Sail Boats


                                                                                         PREPARING YOUR BOAT                  


























                                            MARINE TRANSPORT ALL THE RIGHT MOVES!
1. Before you start to build, take a few minutes to call a marine insurance company and ask for details of the cover they offer whilst your craft is under construction. Many marine insurance companies offer a "Course of Construction" cover, which is ideal for owners and builders of craft whilst construction is taking place. Most marine insurance companies offer policies that will meet your requirements and protect you against damage, theft or accident. Some insurance companies offer the option of transit insurance as part of their "Course of Construction" cover.
2. Like any other service it is wise to remember that generally speaking you get what you pay for. "Don't sink your investment before it is launched", be selective about the carrier you use, and equipment and expertise utilised by that organisation. If at all unsure, contact a marine insurance company or your nearest marina or brokerage manager for their recommendation.
3. Before you build, carefully study the proposed site, paying particular attention to the accessibility and manoeuvring area available for trucks, cranes and any other equipment that may be required to load and transport your craft to the water. If in any doubt, contact an experienced and reputable boat transport or craneage company, most operators are only too pleased to provide you with some advice that could save you a substantial amount of money.
4. Be aware, not only of the equipment requirements needed to successfully transport your boat, also the laws, safety and traffic rules and regulations imposed by statutory bodies which may be applicable. If the beam of your boat is over 2.5 metres, the length including the trailer and prime mover on which the boat is to be carried is over 17 metres or the height over 4.2 metres, the transport company you select will require at the very least a permit and possibly accompanying long wide load permit escorts and perhaps Police, Electricity authority and Telstra / Optus escort crews. Don't forget, if the transport company you select does not comply with all the laws, regulations and traffic rules, your insurance cover could well be null and void. Don't be caught by the "she'll be right" approach. If you think the above may apply to the transport of your boat, ask to see the appropriate long, wide or high load permits and ensure that all escort vehicles and equipment are available and are being utilised. Don't forget, there really are no short cuts in marine transport. Unlike any other field, marine transport requires specialised equipment, experience and expertise.
5. Don't select a transport company which does not have the experience to handle a craft of your size, or the equipment to safely transport it. Apart from the fact that you could be endangering the public and breaking many laws and traffic regulations, once again, if the wrong equipment is being used your insurance may be worthless.
6. When your boat is ready for transport, clear the immediate area around the boat to allow easy access and manouverability, and if possible, only fill fuel and water tanks to a minimum level. Height and stability can be critical during craning and loading operations.
7. The day before the transport is to take place, do a last minute site inspection to make sure weather conditions have not adversely affected the site and entrance and exit points. Carry out any last minute fastening down and ensure securing points on the boat are provided for and are satisfactorily located. This is particularly important if the site on which you have located your boat is on a steep slope as it is difficult to gain traction in damp conditions.
8. Check to make sure that since beginning construction, repair or refurbishment work your boat, no new electricity wires or telephone wires have been installed across the entry and exit points. Once again, this can severely restrict access and can dictate the type and size of equipment required to make the move possible.
9. Ensure neighbours and property owners around you are aware that the move is taking place, and that you have permission to enter the property if required. In some cases a boat may need to be craned over the fence line of a property or right across another house to make transport possible. Obviously in these cases, the owner of a property must be consulted and approve of any access rights or work to be carried out on the property.
10. The transport company responsible for the move will, in most cases, contact you the night before to confirm any last minute alterations to the time schedule, route or launching point. It is important to reconfirm the delivery address, start time and tide charts for optimum launching time. Wherever possible, choose a launching ramp you are familiar with that has good depth and access.
11. If you make any major alterations to the craft in terms of length, height or beam, advise the transport company of those alterations prior to transport. Minor changes in any of these areas can mean major alterations to the selection of equipment, pilot vehicle requirements etc.
12. All personal items and gear inside your boat should be properly stored and secured. Remove canvas covers and windscreens where appropriate, and store them securely inside the boat. Radios, antennas, depth sounders, and other valuable electronic gear should also be removed and secured inside the boat. Additional shipping preparations for sailboats include removal of all standing rigging, turnbuckles, masthead and bow lights. Antennas, spreaders, wind indicators, wires and mast winches should all be removed from the mast after it has been unstepped. Cabinet doors, drawers and all lockers within the boat should also be closed and secured. Close and lock all ports, hatches and windows also. Be sure to disconnect battery cables and make sure all fuel, water and holding tanks are empty or as nearly empty as possible. Paint thinner, paint and other hazardous substances cannot be shipped.
13. On the day of loading, transport and launching, try to be on site early. In many cases you will be required to provide assistance and general information regarding site details and securing points.
14. If your boat is shipped on a cradle, extra caution should be taken. Cradles that may be adequate for storage are not necessarily adequate for shipping. If your cradle is to be used for shipping, it should be in good condition and fit the contour of your hull. Of course, your boat must also be properly secured to the cradle.
15. Like most boat launchings, boat builders and owners are glad to see the completion of a worthwhile project, and like to have their friends, family and workmates along to share the experience. It is nice to have your friends around but it is important that wherever possible, you keep a minimum number of people in the immediate vicinity of the loading and transportation of the boat. This is particularly relevant where large equipment is being used and special escorts are required: in this case it is particularly important that the general public keep clear for safety reasons. This applies to the loading site, along the road in the traffic, and at the launching ramp. At all these points, it is important that you are available to provide any assistance or information required regarding your particular craft, and to keep friends, family and workmates not directly involved in the work being carried out, well clear. Try to pick a launching point easily accessible to the size and weight of equipment required to make the launch possible.
16. Before launching and immediately after, check all bilges, cock valves, skin fittings, and the general hull and bulkheads to ensure they are watertight and not likely to allow water into the hull. Generally speaking, close observation should be kept of these areas up to 6 to 12 hours after the original launching.
17. Make sure bilge pumps are fully operational, and also safety equipment normally required on the boat is present.
18. Ensure that you have a rope of suitable length and quality to adequately restrain the boat when it is launched into the water.
19. If you need to install a mast, make sure all rigging wires are of the correct length and rigging screws accounted for. Wherever possible, stepping should be carried out on land at the launching ramp.




                                                                                              MARINE TRANSPORT                                                                                             



           ROBERT MOBILE: 0416 214 646 / SHIRILEE MOBILE: 0425 208 783 / FAX: (02) 9626-6256

EMAIL: Contact Robert / Contact shirilee